Title: Classic Drum Solos and Drum Battles
Title: The Lost Tapes, Artist: Buddy Rich
Title: A Salute to Buddy Rich Featuring Phill Collins/Dennis Chambers/Steve Smith & The Buddy Rich Band
Title: Buddy Rich's Modern Interpretation of Snare Drum Rudiments, Author: Ted MacKenzie
Title: Buddy Rich and His Band: Channel One Suite
Title: Buddy Rich: Jazz Legend
Title: Jazz Icons: Buddy Rich - Live in '78
Title: Buddy Rich and His Band: The Lost Tapes
Title: Buddy Rich's Modern Interpretation of Snare Drum Rudiments: Book/2-DVDs Pack, Author: Ted MacKenzie
Title: Buddy Rich: Drum Play-Along Volume 35, Author: Buddy Rich
Title: Time Being, Artist: Buddy Rich
Title: Transition, Artist: Buddy Rich
Title: Very Live At Buddy's Place, Artist: Buddy Rich
Title: Buddy Rich: At The Top
Title: Heather and Buddy Go to School, Author: Rich Grimes